
Journey to the Freedom Land | Bindu Unnikrishnan

Speculative Fiction

"Fasten your seat belts!" Captain Batra boldly announced as the sleek ATR-42 aircraft sliced through clouds, preparing for touchdown. His voice commanded authority, yet it was veiled with excitement. "You are about to touch down upon one of the most incredible destinations in this world." The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the landscape below, where the contours of Freedom Land began to emerge—a place like no other!

This aircraft, a private chartered plane, was not just any flight. It carried 45 new government recruits—‘Freedom Executive Officers’—chosen for their potential to shape the future of public service in administration. They were about to embark on an extraordinary journey—one that would redefine their understanding of governance, freedom, and the very essence of citizenship. This wasn’t just a trip; it was an immersive, transformative experience designed to instil in them the principles of liberty and justice they would one day uphold.

As the plane descended, the recruits gazed through their windows at Freedom Land, marvelling at the perfect precision and purpose in every single thing laid out. From communal parklands to segmented stacks of transparent government workspaces, everything was meticulously planned. This was no ordinary land; it was a living laboratory, a grand experiment in understanding and fostering the true meaning of freedom.

When they landed, the recruits were met with a brisk wind and an almost perceptible scent of opportunity. A team of experienced guides awaited them, each possessing expertise in a particular aspect of governance, human rights, and social justice. Over a 48-hour period, these guides would take them on an unprecedented journey, one that would open both their hearts and minds to new perspectives.

The first stop on their itinerary was Liberty Square, the heart of Freedom Land, where a colossal statue of a hand releasing a dove stood as a symbol of unshackled freedom. Here, they witnessed a live demonstration of participatory democracy. Citizens of all ages gathered in the open square, engaging in spirited debates and casting votes on local issues through a seamless blend of technology and tradition. It was a testament to the power of collective decision-making, where every voice, no matter how small, could make a difference.

Next, they headed to ‘The Hall of Rights,’ a grand museum showcasing human rights movements from all walks of life. As they walked through its hallowed halls, they encountered interactive exhibits that brought to life the struggles and triumphs of those who had fought for freedom—heroes who had risked everything for the sake of justice. The recruits felt the weight of their legacy, a reminder that their roles in administration were not just jobs but responsibilities to uphold these hard-won freedoms.

One of the most profound moments was their visit to the Empowerment Pavilion, a space dedicated to the safety and liberation of women. Here, they encountered stories of women who had risen against oppression, challenging patriarchal norms to claim their rightful place in society. The Pavilion showcased technologies and strategies implemented to protect women and ensure their voices were heard, from emergency response apps to legislative reforms that placed women's rights at the forefront. The recruits were deeply moved, understanding that a truly free society must prioritise the safety and empowerment of all its citizens, particularly women.

Deep into the night, they arrived at Unity Park—a place of peace and harmony where people of different cultures lived united, regardless of their religion or backgrounds. They observed communities coming together to celebrate their diversity, sharing meals, stories, and traditions. The recruits realised that freedom was not just about individual rights but also about the ability to coexist with others in peace and mutual respect.

Their journey ended at The Innovation Hub, a facility fostering the brightest minds to develop technologies that could propel their country forward. Here, the recruits participated in workshops that encouraged them to think outside the box. They contemplated solutions for existing problems, worked together to develop indigenous prototypes, and took notes on what they learned to bring home for effective implementation, ensuring freedom for future generations.

As their 48-hour stay in Freedom Land came to an end, the recruits gathered one last time in the Chamber of Reflection, a quiet, contemplative space where they could process everything they had seen and experienced. Each of them was given a simple task: to write down their vision of freedom and how they would bring the spirit of Freedom Land back to their own countries.

Captain Batra’s voice crackled over the intercom once more as the plane prepared for departure. “As we leave Freedom Land, remember that what you’ve seen here is not just an ideal—it’s a possibility. It’s up to each of you to make it a reality in your own way.”

The recruits, now filled with a renewed sense of purpose, fastened their seatbelts once more. But this time, they weren’t just passengers—they were bearers of an idea, one that had the power to transform the world. As the plane ascended into the sky, leaving the golden shores of Freedom Land behind, they knew that their journey was only just beginning.

Freedom is not just about saving a country from the shackles of imperialism. It’s a lifelong commitment to keep our country before self and think about our countrymen collectively. A free country is one where every individual, regardless of gender, can walk without fear, their safety and dignity assured. Those who ensure this in a free country are the true freedom fighters!

What we need are these newly recruited Freedom Executive Officers, instead of MPs and MLAs. And as for Captain Batra, he could easily serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the country!

About the Author

Bindu Unnikrishnan is a Physics teacher at a city school in Pune who was recently crowned Mrs. Maharashtra 2023 in the Elite category. She embodies the qualities of modern womanhood with grace, strength, and intellect. Her achievement in this prestigious title reflects her dedication, resilience, and multifaceted personality. In addition to her work as an educator, Bindu is also a talented writer and poet. She has contributed to over 50 anthologies as a co-author and has been featured in various digital and print literary magazines. Bindu is the sole author of ‘My Treasure Trove of Emotions’, a book in which she skillfully navigates the complexities of human emotions, crafting poetry that resonate with authenticity and depth. Through her writing, Bindu Unnikrishnan has become a voice that speaks directly to the heart. Her work is not merely an expression of emotions but a celebration of them, offering readers a space to explore and connect with their own feelings.” My Treasure Trove of Emotions” is more than just a book, it’s an experience that leaves a lasting impression, much like Bindu herself. She can be reached at


  1. It wasn't a journey of just those new recruits in this write up, I felt as if I too, was a part of that trip. It's a feeling which every reader will grasp, once they embark on reading this wonderful work.
    Needless to say, we all are ready to help in the shaping of our country towards prosperity.

  2. Wow , you have just presented a visionary blueprint for a better nation and administration. You have masterfully outlined a set of core values that would foster inclusive and progressive administration.

  3. The story you've written is an inspiring and imaginative narrative. A thought-provoking exploration of what true freedom entails.
    It successfully blends imaginative elements with serious social commentary, leaving the reader with a sense of purpose and a call to action.

  4. It's a work of sparkling brilliance👌🏻truly and as aptly quoted we need these newly recruited Freedom Executive officers in today's administration.

  5. This piece presents a vivid and inspiring vision of an ideal society grounded in freedom, justice, and equality. Through the journey of government recruits in the fictional Freedom Land, the narrative highlights the crucial role of governance in safeguarding and empowering all citizens, with a special focus on democracy and women's rights. The piece serves as both a motivating blueprint and a call for future leaders to turn these ideals into reality. Bravo Bindu!! Wonderful work!

  6. I admire your writing and you didn't disappoint!

  7. Very beautifully narrated and very imaginative.

  8. Journey so well narrated. Hope to have such places as the world is in distress.

  9. Wow..what an incredible idea. This is what the world needs. People dedicated to the idea of freedom and well being of its people and putting it above everything. So well expressed and narrated.

  10. Another beautiful post!


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