
The Facets of Modern Durga | Bindu Unnikrishnan

Durga—the embodiment of a complete woman! A nurturer, healer, lover, dreamer, protector, and a force to reckon with. She has a hand that rocks the cradle and a fist that wields the sword with unwavering stability. Her tender voice can heal a soul, yet it is fierce enough to tear it apart.

In the early dawn, as the world slowly wakes, she stands at the kitchen counter, waiting for the pressure cooker to whistle, chopping an onion into a million pieces for the perfect omelet for her spouse while flipping a dosa on the tawa for her father-in-law. The aroma fills the air as she skillfully packs lunch bags, each carefully prepared to meet the needs of her family. Her day begins not with thoughts of herself but with the well-being of others. Just as she reaches for her cup of coffee, her baby’s cough pulls her in a different direction. Instantly, she discards her favorite beverage, rushing to soothe her child with a gentle touch. She is a healer—instinctive, nurturing, and selfless.

The breakfast she serves is not a mere meal but a manifestation of her love, tailored to satisfy the unique cravings of each family member. Yet, in this whirlwind of morning rituals, she is rarely asked if she has eaten, if she has nourished herself, if she, too, carries something she likes, or if anyone even cares what she likes. She is the provider, often unseen, yet always essential.

As she steps out of her home, she transitions seamlessly into another role. At work, she is a boss to many, a leader who commands respect and admiration. She stands as an unyielding force, a pillar of strength. Her colleagues see her as a powerhouse, a reservoir of talent that seems endless, driven by an indomitable spirit. Assertive and compassionate, she proves that power and empathy can coexist.

When the workday ends, she doesn’t just return to routine. She steps into the vibrant world of her social life, where she lets her hair down and enjoys unapologetic fun with her friends. Her laughter is infectious, and her presence is a celebration of life. Festivals come alive in her company; she brings light where there is darkness, joy where there is sorrow. Her smile is not just an expression but a beacon of warmth that touches everyone around her. She is splendid—a walking celebration of life.

In her private moments, she reconnects with her spiritual side in her own way. She is a woman of faith, yet she balances this with the complexities of contemporary life, never losing sight of her dedication. She prays for her family, her friends; her devotion is undying. She is divine, balancing modernity with timeless devotion.

As a daughter, she embodies respect and love; as a friend, she offers loyalty and comfort. Her love is a force that heals, and she embraces life’s storms with élan. She is a soul that bends but never breaks.

When night falls, and the world drifts into sleep, she finds herself alone with her thoughts, her dreams. It is in these quiet hours that she reveals yet another face—a dreamer. She pens down the aspirations she holds close to her heart, dreams she dares not speak of during the day. Her dreams give her a way to forge ahead. She is a dreamer—carving out secret spaces of hope amidst the everyday.

She enchants her love with grace and passion. Her beauty and allure are treasures to be savored, yet she reveals them sparingly, making each moment rare and unforgettable. She is a charmer—turning simple moments into rare treasures.

Provoke her, and chaos will reign. She endures only so much before the fierce Kaali within her awakens, standing firm for the truth. She cannot abide injustice; her voice rises against evil. She is a fierce protector—never tolerating wrongs in silence.

She may not always recognize her own divinity, but it’s there—in every role she plays. From mother to leader, from daughter to dreamer, she embodies the many faces of Durga. She touches the skies while keeping her feet grounded in the real world.

As brief as life can be, she learns and unlearns the steps, the stances, and the grace of life and power and becomes a beacon to the rest. Each facet of her represents not just the goddess from ancient lore but also the essence of today's empowered woman navigating the complexities of life.

She is not just a woman—she is Durga incarnate, a warrior who battles silently and fiercely against the demons of society.

About the Author

Bindu Unnikrishnan is a dynamic writer and poet with over 50 co-authored anthologies to her name. She has been writing for several magazines, digital as well as print, on several social issues.Her debut poetry collection, ‘My Treasure Trove of Emotions’, explores the intricacies of human feelings, earning widespread acclaim. As a passionate Physics teacher at a city school in Pune, she inspires her students to think critically and creatively. A dedicated marathoner, Bindu embraces challenges with enthusiasm. In 2023, she was crowned as 'Mrs. Maharashtra 2023 (Elite), which is a state level beauty pageant by Diva Pageants. She was recognized for her intellect and charitable endeavors. A dreamer at heart, she motivates others to chase their aspirations with unwavering dedication. She can be reached at


  1. Resonates with all the wonderful women around the world.. loved all the avatars … hope one day she finds time and space for herself.

  2. A work so profound, a work so splendid, that it leaves a reader spellbound.
    It is time, that the women are acknowledged and respected. It is the time of the women, the hour of the Durga.

    Great work.
    ( A Comment by Rajeev A. Masih. )

  3. Beautifully penned, it will evoke instinctive empathy from women and mortification from most men who don't spare a second thought to the needs, wants and desires of their partners. More power to every Durga in this world.

  4. It is both a tribute and a call to recognize the divinity and power in every woman, reflecting on the deeper significance of the feminine roles often taken for granted.

  5. What a beautifully written ode to the many faces of Durga!

    This piece captures the essence of a woman in all her roles—with such grace, strength, and tenderness. The way you highlight her nurturing side, yet also her fierce power, truly resonates. It's so easy to overlook all the unseen sacrifices, the selfless acts she performs daily, and yet, she carries them all with such dignity. The imagery of her juggling morning chores, work responsibilities, and social life, all while keeping her dreams and inner strength alive, is just so powerful.

    Truly inspiring!

  6. Beautifully carved out. The very essence of women where she is no longer cared and everything is taken for granted. Another beautiful piece of work!

  7. Very empowering. Captured the essence of womanhood with a lucid language. Such an apt article when we are celebrating the goddess. Every single word resonates with me and I am sure with all the women. It is very common to glorify the sacrifices that women make but now it is time to understand the needs of women and nurture their dreams too.


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